Electric Suck Blackhead Removal

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Easy to clean

Simple to operate

Improves skin tone and pore appearance.

Easy and convenient

Suitable for different skin

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100% authentic

original products

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How To Use?

STEP 1: After a hot bath or sweat, make sure your pores are open, and your face is moist.

STEP 2: Apply the product to the skin in a circular motion, not in one area for too long, so as not to injure the skin. To get rid of obesity, baldness, acne, and blackheads. If the black is dark, it is preferable to work with black export liquid! Every time a suck out doesn’t matter, don’t use it for too long; after a week or two, more deep black came out, and there were no scars.

STEP 3: After using, shrink the pores with some brilliant skin firming water or cold water for follow-up care.

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